And so it begins...


Two years after completing my first teacher training course, it seems so wonderfully natural to teach yoga. Whether it is one-on-one or in front of a dozen or more people- I never really feel nervous or anxious. Instead, I am overwhelmed by this feeling of calmness, happiness, joy and love and the honest desire to share what yoga has to offer- with everyone. It's not about me at all. It's about the individual, the individual's journey and story, individual feelings, longings, goals. 
I have taught my friends and family members, my colleagues and my students, I have taught in the park, near Broadway and near Central Station, I have designed personal practices and group classes. And every single time I was determined to create a space for the individual. To take every person where they are at and guide them through various tools that yoga has to offer. Yoga is a space, a space for every individual. A space to simply be (one). 
After moving from one location to another, I spent the last couple of months looking for a location that would provide a peaceful and beautiful space for the yoga classes I have to offer. Many emails were written, various rooms and studios visited until I finally found it- the most perfect space for my purpose. From the moment I stepped into the beautiful rooms at Loft&Earth, Bondi Junction, I felt this positive energy surrounding me and I have to admit- I got tears in my eyes. The space seems just right for what I believe in: That we need to work together in providing a pathway to health and well-being, to healing and happiness. Oneness instead of just yoga or just nutrition or just fitness or just acupuncture...You get the idea. Loft&Earth offers a variety of natural therapies in a peaceful, spacious and easily accessible location.
Another aspect about this space that I really love is the fact that I am able to offer a cup of tea after each of my classes. Why? Because we hardly ever really make the effort to connect with each other anymore. We are constantly on the run and our conversations often happen via social media. How wonderful is it though to have real, authentic conversations, to meet real and inspiring people, to make new friends, to share interests and exchange ideas? My "Yoga&Tea with Dani" classes offer the space to bring the community together. And I could not be more excited to meet every single one of you.

Whether you are looking for a new yoga class in the area, you want to meet new people, take up our First Class Special of $10 or looking for a regular yoga practice- I would love to meet you and to welcome you to Oneness Yoga Space.

To secure your mat, please click here.

With all my heart,
xx Dani